Meet Our Team

Senior Pastors: James and Karen Mayes

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Founding Pastors: Apostle Joshua Trevor and Pastora Sarah Aleeta Wong

Pastora Sarah was born again at the age of 11 at a Billy Graham Crusade. Falling in love with Jesus, she committed to serving Him.  Attending Billy Graham’s alma mater, Wheaton College, she had a double major in English and Christian Education.

Keeping her commitment to God, Sarah dedicated her life to ministry, starting with teaching Sunday School in high school and college; inner-city ministry, leadership in local churches, and eventually maturing to become a keynote speaker for international conventions and conferences in multiple countries, addressing church leaders from around the world.

In 1996 she, with her husband, Joshua Trevor, co-founded the Assemblies of the Body of Christ (ABC) Church and Ministries to prepare the Body of Christ for the Ending Days by teaching them how to become Overcomers through the Fruit of the Spirit.

Pastor Matthew and Penny Dyer

Pastor Matthew has been part of ABC for 21 years and has served the ministry in many capacities. He is a regular teacher and has been a part of the teaching team for the ABC Schools and eventually became the Dean of the ABC Schools. He has also built and maintains many of the ABC websites.

Pastor Matthew has a passion to teach the Word and to help others to “Live unto Righteousness” as part of the Glorious Church. He is known as a dynamic preacher and an enlightened teache

Penny is known for her loving heart and gentle ways. She has been part of the teaching team for the ABC Schools and has inspired many by her insightful teaching and poignant examples. Penny has also served for many years behind the scenes by accomplishing many administrative tasks, and in the ministry of helps.

Matthew and Penny have been happily married for 9 years.

Pastor Michael and Gwen Schneider

Pastor Michael and Gwen have been valuable assets to the Ministry of Helps Department. They have both served at ABC Church for over 15 years. 

Pastor Michael has also been a teacher in the ABC Healing School, School of Dominion, and Bible College. In addition, he was the Coordinator of the Altar Ministry. 

Gwen has also been an integral part of the Media Department and Administration Department.

Deborah Henneker

Director of Development

Over the years Deborah has taken on the role of pioneering various projects for the ministry such as live streaming, video editing, online schools, and on-demand website.

Deborah is growing in the knowledge of God’s love and desires to share that love with others. She is a strong communicator and has the opportunity to share that gift through her teaching ministry in the pulpit as well as in a Community College setting where she lovingly ministers to international students who are learning to use English as a Second Language in her classroom. She has written a book on forgiveness which will be one of many topics. Deborah says, “My desire is to look into that spiritual mirror and see Jesus looking back.”

Annie Ford

Annie is the Ministry Assistant to Senior Pastor, James Mayes and his wife, Karen, who is his Associate Senior Pastor. She has been at ABC Church for 7 years. 

She serves in the Ministry of Helps,  assists administratively and ministers on the ABC Prayer Team. In addition, she helps with Social Media.

Annie is happily married to Charley. They both are blessings to ABC Church.